
...somnis retrobats. / ...reconnected dreams.

Hooooola!!! Quant temps oi? A mi m'ha semblat una eternitat i us he trobat molt a faltar. Tota una estació sense publicar, que no sense cosir!!! Ha estat una temporada difícil però a partir d'ara espero que tot vagi a millor i pugui seguir gaudint de la vostra companyia. De fet, no he deixat de cosir -la millor teràpia- i poc a poc us aniré ensenyant el que he fet. També m'ha ajudat molt veure tot el que feu, m'ha animat a cosir quan no sempre en tenia ganes. Gràcies i seguiu així, cracks!

Hello!!!! Such a long time!!! It's been so long since my last post and I miss you so much. Actually all summer, but not without sewing!!! It's been difficult times around here, but hopefully is over and I look forward to have you in my life. Actually, I did not stop sewing, the best therapy, and I will show you everything I have done. Also, I kept reading your posts all the time and made me keep sewing even I did not feel like it. Thanks for being there, you are the best!

De moment per anar fent boca us deixo un tast del què vindrà...
For the moment, you can see part of what will come... 

Bon dia i bons somnis!!!
Good morning and good dreams!!!
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